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Why should I consider automatic differentiation?

The following are the reasons why you should consider automatic differentiation in your computational project:

  • your functions are extremely complicated;
  • manually implementing analytical derivatives is a tedious and error-prone task; and
  • computing derivatives using finite differences can be inaccurate and inefficient.

What is the difference between reverse and forward modes?

Here is a brief, practical, and qualitative discussion on the differences between these two automatic differentiation algorithms.

In a forward mode algorithm, each function evaluation produces not only its output value but also its derivative. The evaluation of a vector function, for example, computes both the output vector as well as the derivative of this vector, in general, with respect to one of the input variables (e.g., ∂u/∂x, ∂u/∂y). However, the forward mode algorithm can also be used to compute directional derivatives. In this case, the derivative of the output vector with respect to a given direction vector is performed. We could say that, fundamentally, the forward mode always computes directional derivatives. The simplest case of a derivative with respect to a single input variable corresponds thus with a directional derivative whose direction vector is a unit vector along the input variable of interest (e.g., the unit vector along x, or along y, and so forth).

In a reverse mode algorithm, each function evaluation produces a complete expression tree that contains the sequence of all mathematical operations between the input variables to produce the output variable (a scalar). Once this expression tree is constructed, it is then used to compute the derivatives of the scalar output variable with respect to all input variables.

Is one algorithm always faster than another?

Even though the reverse mode algorithm requires a single function evaluation and all derivatives are subsequently computed in a single pass, as the constructed expression tree is traversed, the forward algorithm can still be a much more efficient choice for your application, despite its multiple, repeated function evaluations, one for each input variable. This is because the implementation of the forward mode algorithm in autodiff uses template meta-programming techniques to avoid as much as possible temporary memory allocations and to optimize the calculations in certain cases. The reverse mode algorithm, on the other hand, requires the construction of an expression tree at runtime, and, for this, several dynamic memory allocations are needed, which can be costly. We plan to implement alternative versions of this algorithm, in which memory allocation could be done in advance to decrease the number of subsequent allocations. This, however, will require a slightly more complicated usage than it is already provided by the reverse mode algorithm implemented in autodiff.

Which automatic differentiation algorithm should I use?

Ideally, you should try both algorithms for your specific needs, benchmark them, and then make an informed decision about which one to use.

If you're in a hurry, consider:

forward mode: if you have a vector function, or a scalar function with not many input variables.

reverse mode: if you have a scalar function with many (thousands or more) input variables.

Have in mind this is a very simplistic rule, and you should definitely try both algorithms whenever possible, since the forward mode could still be faster than reverse mode even when many input variables are considered for a function of interest.

How do I cite autodiff?

We appreciate your intention of citing autodiff in your publications. Please use the following BibTeX reference entry:

    author = {Leal, Allan M. M.},
    title = {autodiff, a modern, fast and expressive {C++} library for automatic differentiation},
    url = {},
    howpublished = {\texttt{}},
    year = {2018}

This should produce a formatted citation that looks more or less the following:

Leal, A.M.M. (2018). autodiff, a modern, fast and expressive C++ library for automatic differentiation.

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